
The Friends of Palmeira and Adelaide was established in 1997 as a residents association to improve the environment and amenities of Palmeira Mansions, Palmeira Square and Adelaide Crescent.  

We live in one of the South coast’s premier heritage sites comprising an architectural set-piece of Grade 2 and 2* early and mid 19th Century Listed Buildings. The elegant square and crescent sweep around two gardens within the Brunswick Town Conservation Area.

Our aim is to benefit all those who live in the area, and to support our community of local residents. We strive to create equal opportunities and good relations amongst all members of our community.

  • Thank You to The Pebble Trust

    Thank You to The Pebble Trust

    The Friends of Palmeira and Adelaide have been recently awarded a grant donation of £1000 from the Pebble Trust towards new plants in the gardens.  Winning this grant will go towards replanting some of our more neglected floral beds in Adelaide Gardens, and possibly fill out some of the other areas in our gardens with…

    Read more >

Drone photography by Julius Gwyer

A passion for our local area

The aims of the association are to act for the residents in preserving and improving the gardens and general amenity of the area. 

Membership & Community

The Friends of Palmeira and Adelaide’ (FOPA) is a residents association for Palmeira and Adelaide area and membership is open to all who reside in the area. Creating a community for our area within our City.


We are working to develop a group of volunteers that meet on a regular basis in the gardens to support Brighton and Hove City Council with gardening activities 

Actively liaises with other local organisations

  • The Council – Planning and Conservation
  • The Council – CityParks
  • The Council – CityClean
  • The Police – Law and order issues
  • Local Councillors


We also arrange social activities such as a Christmas party, Summer party and Coffee mornings..

Facebook Group

We have an active Facebook group, promoting our news, local events and activities and provides a space for members to discuss our area.


FOPA is a residents association run by volunteers and is reliant on the kind donations of its members. We appreciate all donations and are always looking for new ways to raise much needed funds.