Local Services



Emergencies only where an immediate response is required, a crime is in progress or people are injured, being threatened or in danger.


All other reports of disturbances of all kinds best current route for reporting is to send an email to 101@sussex.pnn.police.uk. If they are in the vicinity they can attend. Please be as descriptive with clothing and location in your message.

Our local PCSOs
Laura Gustard | Sophie Hughes
(More information available at: https://www.police.uk/pu/your-area/sussex-police/adelaide/?yourlocalpolicingteam=your-team)

Brighton & Hove police on Twitter

Sussex Police: contact.centre@sussex.pnn.police.uk
Minicom:  01273 483435
Fax:  01273 404274

Please always report anything that concerns you to FOPA so that we can record incidents for future Local Action Team meetings. Email us at:  info@fopa.co.uk

Doctor Services

Local GP Surgeries and Health Centres.

Charter Medical Centre 88 Davigdor Road
Brighton Health and Wellbeing Centre 18-19 Western Road


Local dental practices.

Somerhill Dental Practice. 26 Farm Road

Ward Councillors

Brunswick and Adelaide Ward is represented by:

Councillor Ollie Sykes

Councillor Andrei Czolak

Ward Surgeries are held on the third Wednesday of each month at the Cornerstone Centre, St Johns Church, at 7.15pm, by appointment only

Brighton and Hove City Council

Comprehensive information about local services operated by the City Council.

Bank Holiday refuse and recycling collections

Noise and Pollution:
Daytime advice      01273 292929
Noise Patrol, Friday and Saturday evenings only 10pm to 3am
01273 293541
Highways Emergencies      01273 292229