AGM Jan 10th 2015 – save this date

The 18th Annual General Meeting of the Association will take place at the Cornerstone Centre on Saturday 10th January 2015 at 11.30am. The relevant papers are attached in one PDF file, and include the Notice, Agenda, Minutes of the last AGM, the Chairman’s Report and the Annual Accounts. If you would like to come to the AGM, please print this four page document and bring with you, as a very limited number of hard copies will be available on the day to save costs. Wine and mince pies will be served afterwards in our now traditional manner. The AGM usually only takes half an hour or so, and we need a quorum, so do please come along if you can. We will be voting in a new Chair and Secretary as well as people interested in joining the committee, if you’d like to be considered, please email