‘Brighton & Hove Air Quality Action Plan’ – Consultation now open!

FOPA members and their friends are encouraged to have their say and get involved on Brighton and Hove City Council’s Air Quality Action Plan consultation, which is open until 10th July 2022.

We welcome early comments from the general public and partner organisations. This engagement follows recent consultation on the City Council’s developing Local Transport Plan and Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.

The draft plan is set out under five priorities:

  • Increase active travel
  • Encouraging uptake of ultra-low or zero exhaust vehicles
  • Improving monitoring and public awareness
  • Reduce emission from buildings and new development
  • Work closely with our partners.

The consultation fulfils the local authorities statutory duties for air quality under part IV of the Environment Act 1995, following review and amendment to local Air Quality Management Areas. In addition the Environment Agency will continue to regulate large industrial processes such as the Shoreham Power Station and the government will consult local authorities on national policy to improve air quality and health.

Please pass the promotional poster, onto anyone who you think might be interested in air quality in the city.

You can read the draft Air Quality Action Plan and take part in the online consultation here. If you would need any paper copies, please email transport.projects@brighton-hove.uk or phone 01273 292480 quoting AQAP and giving your details.

We look forward to hearing your comments

Sam Rouse on behalf of Transport Projects