FOPA is continuing work in Palmeira & Adelaide Gardens with Members Donations

FOPA is not a fundraising organisation but does have modest funds which it spends periodically to enhance the money spent on our gardens by the City Council. Over the last 3 years we have purchased 3 Oak trees and several shrubs and plants all of which were planted in the more public Palmeira Garden. During Lockdown we have received several generous donation from Adelaide Crescent residents who wish their money to be spent specifically to enhance Adelaide Garden and that we shall do in accordance with their wishes and with our grateful thanks.

Our gardening endeavours which are of many years standing , are separate from endeavours by the Garden Fund which operates independently of FOPA.

If additional FOPA members would like to donate to the enhancement of our garden environment as others have done, please make contact with the FOPA Hon Treasurer, George Dean, who will advise you how this can be done – he can be contacted on:  If you have preferences for how and where your donation is spent, please inform George when making your donation.