Anti-social behaviour – update

We held a meeting specifically to address the anti-social behaviour over the summer months in Adelaide and Palmeira Gardens.  Despite just a few days notice, around 30 FOPA members arrived for the meeting just before the bank holiday, signalling the strength of feeling about this issue, and representing the full cross-section of residents living in this area. The police inspector summed up his view of events, with several members challenging a) the allegedly low figures of 101 calls/online complaints and b) the limitations and response from the police. We took our own personal but comprehensive notes (attached) and our councillor Phelim emailed the following action points below:

Further to the meeting held with the Friends of Palmeira and Adelaide, Inspector Jon Carter, Peter Castleton, Community Safety Manager BHCC, PCSOs Julie Wornham and Nola Petherbridge on Friday 22nd August, we wish to re-state our commitment to working with you to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour in the Square and Crescent. I have been in continuous contact with Inspector Carter and Peter Castleton since Friday and we are giving the issues you have raised with us the seriousness they deserve.

A brief list of actions that were agreed are below:

Encourage witnesses to call in incidents and keep diary sheets/notes – All
Bid for police mobile CCTV – Insp Jon Carter
Signs to go with CCTV – Peter Castleton BHCC
Investigate lighting centre of Squares – Cllr Phélim Mac Cafferty
Check with City Parks feasibility of a new flower bed to break up natural football pitch – Peter Castleton BHCC
Report back to next appropriate community meeting – All
I hope that summarises where we are. We will keep you up to date as to where we are with these actions. If there is anything else please do get in touch.

Yours sincerely
Phélim Mac Cafferty
Green Party Councillor forBrunswickandAdelaide
You can read more about Brunswick & Adelaide’Safe in the city’ projecthere, with details about Ollie and Phelim, our councillors, and our local police PCSOs.

Please note: phone 101 at the time of the noise and disturbance, phone 999 if a crime is being committed.  You should also report online at: