Come and join our committee

We are looking for new people to join the committee as several people have stepped down after 20 years of very energetic and appreciated work, and we’d like some new blood! It can be immensely rewarding and we have many roles that need responsible, considered and balanced views from residents like yourself.

The shared work of the committee includes:

Three or four meetings a year, usually in the evening and no longer than two hours, plus the AGM in January.
Liaising with the Council on a wide range of local environmental topics such as the gardens, cleansing, parking, cycling, planning, licensing.
Liaising with the Police through the Local Action Team.
Liaising with the other residents associations of Brunswick Town on matters of mutual interest.
Collecting historical information and building a heritage archive.
Organising social events such as the popular Christmas Party and coffee mornings.
If you’d like to put something back into this lovely area that we live in, please let us know at