A Future for our Post Office!

According to Post Office bosses, our local Brunswick post office is no longer “commercially sustainable” (Argos, July 2105) and set to close, merging with one in Melville Road. If you’d like to be involved and save the Post Office, there are 2 meetings you can attend to get your voice heard.

17 August at 7pm at the Cornerstone

This has been organised by our local MP, Peter Kyle.

Please fill in this questionnaire in advance if you can – it all adds up!

The reference for the questionnaire is  postofficeviews.co.uk

the branch code is:  010907

the address is Western Road

All welcome – just turn up!

3rd September at 6pm at The Old Market

Organised by Ollie Sykes, city counciller, Brunswick and Adelaide Ward

Limited to 70 – please register!

As part of the campaign against closure (and it IS closure, whatever they say about merger) of Brunswick Town’s much-loved Crown Post Office at 22 Western Road, we’re organising this ‘World Cafe’ public discussion event to get all the ideas on how to save it in one place. Invitees include local MPs Peter Kyle and Caroline Lucas and also Post Office staff themselves. If you care about the future of this Post Office and have ideas to save it please come along! Due to the nature of the event, tickets are limited to 70.

The Old Market – Upper Market St Hove, The City of Brighton and Hove BN3 1AS GB – View Map

REGISTER HERE: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-future-for-our-post-office-tickets-17942861582