Norfolk Sq planting day this Saturday, 29th April

The Norfolk Square residents have raised over £3000 – contributed by residents and local businesses – Well done to them for their heroic efforts and to everyone who has contributed.

Norfolk Square is holding a planting day. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Saturday, even if it is just a quick stop by to say hello and enjoy a drink.

They need as many volunteers a possible so if you are able to spare time to join the community it would be greatly appreciated. With over £3000 of plants by the end of the day you should see a great transformation in the square.

The planting officially starts from 12, but the more detailed schedule for the day is as follows:

08:00 – plants arrive and unloaded

09:00 – plants sited in the beds, mulch sorted, marquees set-up, power laid-on, tables placed – general set-up etc.

10:00 – as above – general set-up continues

11:00 – as above – general set-up continues; team leaders arrive and are briefed from Daniela, BBQ arrives

12:00 – event officially starts – welcome and intro to Daniela. General public/guests arriving, planting starts

13:00 – event continues, music, BBQ,

14:00 – as above, photograph with businesses takes place in the gardens, …

15:00 – planting finishes, mulch starts to get laid

16:00 – continuing to mulch – start wrapping up and getting things finished

17:00 – event finishes –