Police and a recent LAT meeting

Local Policing and anti-social behaviour – If you see it, report it!

 After a summer of repeated and in some cases criminal disturbances, the local police support community officers (PSCOs) are back on the beat. Julie has returned from long-term sick leave and will be patrolling alternate days with Graham which we believe will help reduce excessive noise, anti-social behaviour, littering, dog fouling and suspected criminal activity such as drug dealing and discarded needles.

An LAT meeting took place on 11th September, which many FOPA members as well as committee members attended with heated debate. In brief, concerns were:
  • calls to 101 or even 999 were not dealt with appropriately, and with little follow-up
  • there was a lack of a ‘joined-up’ approach from the police and council who had recorded only 7 complaints from residents, far less than FOPA believed to have been made
  • the situation has become a health and safety risk, as well as affecting quality of life for residents and visitors

Moving forward, FOPA asked for assurance that this area is recognised as a hotspot, and actions taken by the council and police to reduce incidents and minimise harm.

The response from both police and council is that they can only treat this area as a priority based on the number of incidents that are reported by residents so we must report all and any incidents to the police and council.

telephone: 101 for non-emergencies
telephone: 999 for emergencies requiring an immediate response
telephone: 07766 997886 (Julie’s mobile but only when on duty)
email: julie.wornham@sussex.pnn.police.uk (response only when Julie is on duty)
or: contact.centre@sussex.pnn.police.uk
you can also register for email alerts about this neighbourhood at www.talktomeicanhelp.com
Environmental Protection: 01273 292229 emergency out of hours 
Noise Patrol: 01273 293541 on Friday and Saturday evenings only between 10pm and 3am
Litter and dog waste: there is a form to fill in on the council website http://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk
Please also email FOPA on info@fopa.co.uk if you see or hear anything that concerns you, so we can record incidents for future LAT meetings.
We will keep up the pressure in future LAT meetings as we do not want a repeat of this summer where several residents were intimidated enough to call 999 and some people felt unable to use the gardens. But we do need your help.
So if you see it, report it.