The Rose Garden in Palmeira Gardens

The Rose Garden in Palmeira Gardens is is need of an upgrade. Two of the beds (the two to the north) are beginning to deteriorate and it will not be long before they will need replacing. Our Council Gardeners do a sterling service with maintenance but agree that they are fighting an uphill battle.

The East bed has about 40/50 bushes, so to cover both beds we would be looking to replace 80/100 bushes. We would like to use David Austin as a supplier and bare root roses would cost £18.50 each. It is cheaper to by bare root bushes for planting in the Autumn rather than full bushes for planting in the Spring. (For those of you who are not gardeners, David Austin are the best and most respected supplier. Cost-cutting is not worthwhile as we end up needing to replace.)

Suggestions for a particular rose would be welcome, although we feel that another white rose would be important to maintain the look of the gardens.

FOPA is not a fundraising organisation and has limited funds, mainly from kind donations which are largely committed at the moment to a shrubbery replanting programme for late 2020. Hence rose replacement cannot proceed without further further donations, small or large.

If you would like to donate to the rose garden replacement programme please contact to find out how or if you have a suggestion for a particular rose please let Trish our garden representative know at the same email address.